Those who did the iPod rebate

20 Jul 2008

I don't understand the instructions about sending off the EAN labels for the iPod and the MacBook. Do they expect you to physically peel off the labels and send those, or will a photocopy do?

Many thanks,
I peeled the label off my macbook box after using a hair dryer on it, the ipod i just cut the section off :)
So in other words it's designed somewhat to stuff you when it comes to resale value. At least on the laptop, maybe not the iPod.
Other manufacturers have a similar request for their cashback offers - I've done similar when buying Canon DSLRs and lenses. A craft knife is great for keeping it neat and minimising damage to the packaging. A real pain, but if the person you're selling to further down the line is that fussed about a small hole in the box, you can always explain the rebate and knock a fiver off! :D
They want the originals cut out of the packaging.
You're half right.

They want the originals but there's no need to cut them out. As someone has already mentioned you can heat them up and simply peel them off. I've done it before with Canon rebates and I'll do it again with the next product that requires it.

Unless the damn label is printed to the box, that is.
So in other words it's designed somewhat to stuff you when it comes to resale value. At least on the laptop, maybe not the iPod.
What kind of ponce is going to be put off by a little square cut out of the box on a second hand laptop?
I called Apple about this when I did a printer rebate on my macbook in April. They told me they wanted the actual label cut from the box, and that photocopies were not accepted. Don't know how true this is, but I didn't see the point in trying my luck. Had to almost fully dismantle the box to cut the label out, though it's possible to re-assemble it so it would still function as a box. Never thought of the hair dryer trick!
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