Those who shout abuse at retail workers

18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
Most of the issues such as fuel shortages, delivery issues, etc - the workers have no control over these.

I work at a supermarket where customers are getting ruder and we are now classed as the invisible key workers.

Like with many employers, people are leaving and not replaced at all or fully. This is causing unnecessary stress.

Wish the general public understand what we are going through. Those who shout at the staff are one of the lowest of the low. Shows that they have never worked in retail or a role involving customers/general public.

Due to staff not being replaced, customers shouting at us for things we can’t change, I had panic attacks (which are made worse by people staring at me), taken a couple of days off to help me and on antidepressants. Plus seriously considering leaving retail. Have submitted my CV to various companies.

There are some really delightful customers which make our days. Though get some horrible customers who tut over everything esp slow elderly customers. One time (just before the selfish buying) a man threw the shopping of a woman in her late 80s (guessing) onto the next till and shouted at her to pack here. This naturally upsetted her, the colleagues that witnessed it - including me. A manager heard this and the man was asked to leave and was banned.

I would like to see customers who hurled abuse at us to have what they said playbacked at them. If they don’t respond in an apologetic or embarrassed manner, they are just nasty.

This isn’t a whinge post, but a post about the stresses retail workers are going through. It doesn’t matter what retailer people are working at, the problems are the similar.

Everyone should work in retail, esp December. I’m certainly not looking forward to this. Esp when got two leaving this month and another retiring end of next month. We hardly get temporary staff.
Everyone should have to work in retail for at least six months, like National Service.
All those who have never worked in retail get called up like you do for jury service. You get told where to work AND the hours to work. Like jury service, the same exceptions apply and deferred if on actual holiday (not a week off work). If you have worked 6 months plus in retail in the past ten years, you won’t be in the draw.
I agree with you. I worked in retail until my mid 20's and it was an experience that has instilled in me a level of empathy I just didn't have until I'd experienced day, after day, of people just being pure horrid to their fellow human with no effort at all to understand people as individuals.

When I'm in a retail environment now (or even any service based establishment) I observe the effort being put in, and just silently appreciate (I tip if possible, I face up a product when I take from a shelf, I put things back where they belong etc) and try not to inconvenience the staff more than necessary as I just know what strains that job and all it entails can put on a person, they are always thinking about the task that isn't being done while dealing with an issue, the manager that asked for such and such to be done 2 hours ago, etc etc.... Yes, ANYONE can do a retail job, it's relatively low skill - however not everyone can stick retail for an extended period of time, and those that do should be appreciated as it is not as easy as you can imagine. They were certainly the hardest work years I've had.

People that abuse or harass retail/hospitality workers and look down on them are saying a lot about themselves as a person. It's really quite an ugly sight to witness.
Thank you. These are the sort of posts required.
I only went into retail in 2008 after redundancy at a bank. Thought it was going to be a stopgap for a few years. Thirteen years later, I’m still here. Reasons that I am still here there are no jobs available, illnesses, Covid etc. Plus have a lovely set of colleagues.
Although no one should be abusing anyone, including retail staff, I sometimes feel that some people need to grow a thicker skin.

I've worked retail before for a number of years but not once have I been reduced to tears or been stressed out by the way someone acted towards me or said something to me.

I appreciate the OP may have a mental health condition (stated he is on anti-depressants) but if a lot of that is caused by work interactions then you need to change how you deal with those interactions - people are dicks. You cant change THEM but you can change how YOU respond:
  • Walk away if possible
  • Challenge their behaviour
  • Enlist a colleague for assistance/witness
  • Contact a supervisor.
  • Roleplay previous incidents in your head and think of what you could have done so that, should it happen again, you won't be caught unprepared.
I have walked away from the checkouts at least four times (setting off panic alarm) and said I am not going to serve you due to your upsetting language etc. It really shows them up>

When I worked in call centres, if a customer used offensive language, you warned them, use it again, say that one more time, say that the call will be terminated. Then if they continue to swear etc say "Mr/Mrs/Miss (customer name) as you have ignored warnings about using inappropriate language to me. I am terminating your call. Please call back when you know you can speak to us without inappropriate language. Thank you and goodbye"

Now only managers can throw (not literally) customers out.

Also I'm dyslexic so find it difficult to process my thoughts correctly.
A friend of mine who works it a supermarket got called racist the other day for asking the customer (a muslim) to come off of his phone as he wanted to speak to him and get the que moving. Guy said other customers behind him can wait until he finished his call!!!
That’s rude! Hate customers that continue to be on their phones. Either use self scan or step aside. How do people on the other end like it when they hear a cashier saying things “would you like a bag” and “that’s £25.63 please”?
I don't think that this is limited to retail, but is a fact of life for anyone working in a service industry.

A good portion of my day, is listening back to recorded calls where our staff have been verbally abused for something that in many cases, has nothing to do with our company at all. And even if it is a problem at our end, screaming and swearing at the person that is trying to help, isn't going to get the problem resolved any quicker.

I really do look forward to those customers who bleat out the old "the customer is always right" or "I'm paying your salary", they very quickly learn the error of their ways.
Those who bleat the awful “the customer is always right” phrase are 99% in the wrong!
It’s also customers that accuse us of “always moving stuff” that are annoying. The layout has been the same for at least 5 years. Sometimes we move things a shelf up/down to accommodate new lines.
Depending on what area of retail you work in, I find it difficult to believe merchandising team haven't moved anything around for 5 years :cry:
What I meant is eggs, sugar and baked beans have been down the same aisle for 5 years, but obviously have moved within the aisles
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