I currently have a Fuji S3500 as well as a Canon EOS 1000FN 35mm SLR.
I love taking pictures with the SLR, but hate the waiting and expense of film, I find the Fuji too restricting & it feels like a toy!!! It's fine for the wife.
I've been having a scout about & been looking at D-SLRs, especially as my dad has just got a 350d. It felt a little small for my hands, and I had a hold of one of his mates 30D & it felt much better.
I haven't got 30D or 20D cash to spare right now as we are in a DIY nightmare & need to get it sorted so we can get the house valued & move to a brand new pad. I can justify (
) about £200 and there are a few on ebay for around that amount.
I have 2 lenses from my film SLR that I can use with the 10D, I just need someone with some hands on experience to tell me it's the right choice!
I currently have a Fuji S3500 as well as a Canon EOS 1000FN 35mm SLR.
I love taking pictures with the SLR, but hate the waiting and expense of film, I find the Fuji too restricting & it feels like a toy!!! It's fine for the wife.
I've been having a scout about & been looking at D-SLRs, especially as my dad has just got a 350d. It felt a little small for my hands, and I had a hold of one of his mates 30D & it felt much better.
I haven't got 30D or 20D cash to spare right now as we are in a DIY nightmare & need to get it sorted so we can get the house valued & move to a brand new pad. I can justify (

I have 2 lenses from my film SLR that I can use with the 10D, I just need someone with some hands on experience to tell me it's the right choice!