Thoughts on 4K TV comparison

26 Feb 2015
Hi all

Been hunting around a while for a new TV and have the choice whittled down to 2

Reqs: Needs to be 4k compliant (HECV onboard), HDMI 2.0, no more than 50", and a really decent colour scale - am annoyed by the lack of decent black on my current, aged plasma.

I've been looking, and prime favourite is TX-50ax802b from Panasonic, but I'm hearing things about heat and viewing angles aren't great if you're not square on.

The other one is Samsung's UE48HU7500 - which I've heard noises about the smaller screen not really suiting 4k, along with the recent news about the listening element of Samsung (I tend to disable most of that so I'm not that bothered).

If anyone has either of these, or has an opinion I'd be grateful to hear it :)

TBH I'd wait until the end of the year, there should be more content available, cheaper, and more models to choose from.
All the manufacturers will start pushing 4k then in preparation for the Olympics and euros next year.
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