Thoughts on hosted eCommerce platforms?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
I have a client (Im their accountant not web designer but act as a virtual FD so most decisions come via me at some point) who currently has a bespoke Python/Django eCommerce site which was built by a web company. He was extremely happy with the site however the main python developer has left for a new role and the company hasn't been able to replace him with someone of similar skill it seems.

The site is currently running fine but he wants to use an API to his accounts software which means writing custom python code.

So my client has a couple of options,
  1. Find a new web team but face the potential hand over problems and the new web guys having to work through code they are not familiar with and no doubt suggesting parts of it need changing.
  2. Switch the site to Magento (which the current web guys are suggesting)
  3. Look at a hosted/managed solution such as Big Commerce or similar.
  4. Something I havent thought of?

Ive never had any experience of the hosted versions so any thoughts on them would be great as they seem a moderately well priced option compared to the £12k he spend on the python site.
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