Thoughts on the LG 50LB580V?

9 Jan 2010
Just really quickly, what are peoples thoughts on this LG unit? 50LB580V I know its an older set, but thinking of picking one up for my parents. Current offer price £430. So cheap, big, play the odd MKV file from a usb pen.

Worth it?
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Id put an extra £100 towards the Samsung H6400 even tho its 2" smaller you get a lot more for your money 3D better Apps better picture. When you think £100 is a fair bit of money when you compair the 2 the £100 is well spent
I have two of the 32" size that I use as PC monitors. The screens are quite nice. I have no light bleeding, colours are vibrant and blacks pretty decent.

If you use the screen for PC usage the LG is the best one to go for as it does a far better job at rendering small text smoothly. The Samsung ones I tried always were stupidly sharp at rendering text no matter what settings I tried.
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