Thoughts on using software to build a website

17 Jun 2009
Whats peoples thoughts on building websites using something like Antenna software. I purchased the software a while ago. Recently a friend has asked if I could create a basic splash page with some info on for his business.

I’m not the most technically gifted website builder and have had no experience with HTML other than using antenna :( .
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Have you considered using a CMS, such as Wordpress (which will easy to get into and there will be millions of templates), or if you want something a little more complex, Drupal (though chances are at something you're going to have to delve into the code a little in Drupal)?

The upside to a CMS is that if you need extra functionality later on, there's normally a module to do that.

Joomla's quite easy to get into too, but it's a bit on the clunky side now.
Learn html, its worth knowing, WYSIWYG editors are okay, but nothing is better then knowing html...

I mostly use visual studio... intelisense rocks :D

It's fine for a very basic simple page, but not much else really.
I would think it's a safe bet to assume that they made their site with their own software. A quick look at the source shows how bad the code is it puts out. The following is what should be just a simple div, but as you can see, they've done it anything but. All the code they've used looks like this too..

<div onmouseover="
document.getElementById('text495ybabo').style.color='blue';" onmouseout="
document.getElementById('text495ybabo').style.color='black';" style="left:255px; top:258px; width:242px; height:66px;" class="hid abs" id="panl529ubzxg">
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