Three body Problem (2024)

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Here we go again... lol Now with Western Netflix money...

I recognise a lot of the scenes but there's the "Katana Lady" at the end and she shouldn't be in it yet, so thats interesting :P
Out soon.
Looks fine. In the trilogy the first book is pretty tame tbh more like a real story. I found the other 2 good but speak about "the bigger picture" :p the extreme bigger picture. How that translates..., god only knows...

I really hope they show trisolarians and they follow the same conclusion as the unofficial 4th book.
I thought it was pretty ok tbh.
Fills in some details of I remember right it's a lot about the trisolarians and the brain :p that got shot off into space. Whatever that character was called.
Wow in episode 3 they really butchered part of the book.

The human computer is a scene that lasts about 3 minutes and they totally gloss over it, just a bunch of guys flipping flags now.
In the book it was like a huge epic moment where they intricately explain how it all works etc,

They skip the failed proton unfolding's too, and no doubt lads of other cool bits I forget

it's like a TLDR of the book/tencent series
The way they did it in Tencent was cool
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ive only seen the first 4 episodes but to me its definitely one of those things im glad i can fill in the gaps or elaborate on other parts.
Its certainly rushed but i think the essence is there.
I think Britainising it so far loses any sense of world scale.
Da Shi the cop (Wong) I quiet like the version of him in this he carry's the same grumpy spirit.
It was quite good.

I wasn't impressed with the inaccurate science, and also the idea that the aliens would tell you everything they intend to do is, well, either stupid or I have my ideas about that....but it sure is interesting - the idea that aliens are on the way to wipe you out, what the heck do you do about it?
The point is they can't lie... I think it's a pretty good clever and really key aspect.
I like to think the lie wasn't what shocked them, but when Evans calls humans bugs and pests.
In the spin off book they are described as being the size of rice grains, the author was probably thinking of something like tardigrades

Netflix wont do them like that though, tencent didn't either
ok sorry i was talking books and show i guess combined now. :P Im more inclined to think the concept of deception "little red riding hoods wolf" they did in the show right? Was what is important. As they simply cant do it. (i think im repeating myself) That heavily enters into the dark forest hypothesis, you cant trust anyone no matter what.
The "pests" bugs thing too is great.
Yes the 4th book has them as "ants" for use of a better word, which is also hilarious to think, very rick and morty. I actually thought they were going to reveal/hint them as "small" when they talked about the staircase probe going to scout their size and numbers.
I want to read/listen to the books again but in all honestly some of it is soooo bloody boring and chinese incel heavy... lol

When they track the ships passing through the oort dust cloud? I honestly cant recall the details they dont hint at their size which im sure they could have. You would expect their fleet to be tiny too if they can only achieve .1 speed of light.

i spoilered the lot because ...
The books become science lessons at some points :p with characters flung in just to keep it relatable.

TV show is the opposite.
Watch the show then read/listen to the first 2 books, it'll be better that way round imo.

The books are weird/Chinese. I'm pretty sure the author is a complete incel woman hater. Lol. Maybe that's just Chinese society...

Some of the bigger concepts and technology of the book/show are thought provoking and (cool)
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