Three times over the legal limit for cocaine?!

30 Jul 2013
Awful story:

Luke Flanagan was three times the legal limit for cocaine when he smashed into Emma van der Avoird's Peugeot as she was taking her daughter Khiana to school.

But help me out GD

Cocaine is a class A drug. How can there be a "legal limit" that you can be over? Very confused.
on the increasingly rare occasions I've been out on a Saturday night in the last couple of years, the real thing that hits you is the widespread use of cocaine

its increased ten fold from my main late 90's bopping days, its a serious concern in my eyes. It seems a lot more dangerous to go out now.
Agreed. I see people openly doing it in the crowd at gigs now. They don't even slink off to the toilets anymore
there have always been drugs IME. back in my going out in the city (manchester / chester / salford days Acid, Speed and extacy use was widespread. out of all those drugs, cocaine, if it is actually cocaine it is probably less harmful than any of those drugs.
I never saw anyone on ecstasy cause much harm. They weren't the ones starting fights.
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Tell me you've never taken acid without telling me.... ;)

Of those list of drugs you mentioned, acid is by far the least physically damaging to the body, whereas cocaine, speed etc are quite physically harmful though.
Can't be, Roar said it's just a strong stimulant.

Weren't they looking at using micro-doses of acid or mushrooms to treat anxiety/depression?
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