Thumbs up for S&M

23 Mar 2003
Thumbs up for S&M memory testing.

I have been having some unexpected application quitting (need for speed most wanted etc).. my pc passes Memtest for over 6 hours with no errors and can prime all day long.

But today i have found out it fails S&M memory test so it looks like this is a damn good stability testing software.

I have also found that it puts the maximum strain on the cpu when cpu testing.. No other software can cause my pc to auto shutdown at 60C other than S&M.

Give it a try.
Amps said:
I have also found that it puts the maximum strain on the cpu when cpu testing.. No other software can cause my pc to auto shutdown at 60C other than S&M.

Amps, I have to agree with you with regards to the maximum strain it puts on a CPU. Other stress testing s/w gets my Opteron temperature up to about 41/42 degrees(depending on the ambient temperature); when I use S & M the temperature gets up to 45/46.

I don't know what this s/w does differently to other apps, but it seems to give you CPU a good workout.
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