Thunderfly Dell issue

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Couple of years ago I had a thunderfly wander down the front of my screen at work. I mean inside the LCD not outside lol.

I have the same damn thing at home. Its been there prob 6+ months now, I was kinda hoping it woudl depart on its own sooner or later but it hasn't.

So any ideas for dislodging it. Its a 24" dell so its not exactly light to mess about with.

Is it safe to take one of these monitors to bits?
Will I even get to the fly at all or would that bit be sealed? (Obviously not 100% sealed or the little ****er wouldnt have got in there in the first place)

Is it a valid RMA. (Monitor was for OCUK and is still in warranty, but I havent got the box and therefore the works number)

Its just started annoying me as I have changed the setup of my monitor to improve my posture and its for some reason a lot more obvious from this angle.

Any ideas etc appreciated :)
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