
9 May 2006
Ok this game is going to make many people laugh at it, but does anyone play this game? Its an mmorpg but with flat graphics and no sound. Very addictive when you get into it. www.tibia.com . If anyone does play it post your name and world and we can go on a hunt or something :)

it is free, you can also pay for it too and become a premium player. Being premium gives you more benefits. If any of you play this for a week you will be addicted. I bet you lol. It sucks you in and you cant escape
I agree with you about it being addictive. I used to play for a couple of years, I was on Antica originally when Antica = Tibia. Then they brought out more than just the 1 server and the new client came in. I moved to Premia when they brought out the subscriptions. I became a Counsellor (kind of a GM understudy) and was nominated for GM. I even received a unique in-game item from Guido for my services to the Tibia community lol

I left about 2 years ago, and I've never been back since. That screenshot certainly brought back lots of memories.
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