Time Capsule

6 Jun 2006
Anyone planning on getting one of these? Looking at a few pics and it seems to be a lot more than just a NAS...

Tempted, very tempted... :o

I also notice that the seem to want you to use a printer with the USB port, would it be spiffy with another external drive? :)
It's just something about it that doesn't make sense in my tiny brain... I'll get around it, soon~

PC --------x TCx -------- Mac
TCx -------- PC
Macx ------- xTC

TC formatted as HFS in this example, as you see, it takes the HFS data (x) and turns it into sexeh lines (-) that, Just Work™.

still a shame that you have to connect a modem to it, would have been nice, to have it all in one.

Maybe, but, I, for one absolutely love the modem in my Linksys WAG200G. The beast can hold onto the connection with 0 and below SNR!
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