Hey guys, was just wondering what your thoughts are on the Time Capsule?
Been looking at getting a new router for a while now since my old Belkin one has pretty much bitten the dust (keeps forgetting WEP passwords etc etc) and is basically a good excuse to myself to get yet MORE apple products!!
Was just wondering if any of you guys/gals have had any experiences with them and whether the performance of the 802.11n is worth the price point over a standard 802.11g variant?
Plus, is it possible to store things such as Music and Movies and then stream them over to Windows PCs using the built in hard drive too? It mentions something about installing the bonjour software for Windows but it all seems a bit Vague.
Been looking at getting a new router for a while now since my old Belkin one has pretty much bitten the dust (keeps forgetting WEP passwords etc etc) and is basically a good excuse to myself to get yet MORE apple products!!
Was just wondering if any of you guys/gals have had any experiences with them and whether the performance of the 802.11n is worth the price point over a standard 802.11g variant?
Plus, is it possible to store things such as Music and Movies and then stream them over to Windows PCs using the built in hard drive too? It mentions something about installing the bonjour software for Windows but it all seems a bit Vague.