Time for an actual gaming Rig

6 Jun 2011
So for the passed 4 years I've been able to game pretty hardcore on my current setup, but as newer games are released, my rig just can't seem to hack it anymore. Sometimes sounds like a jet taking off when all the fans are on. I would like a complete knew rig as this one would go to my younger brother.

- Current budget is £1500-£1600, Ideally though cheaper the better.
- I don't need no peripherals or a monitor, but I do need a OS.
- Preferably, I'd like to run something like BF4 at max settings with a steady 60+ fps and at 1080p if possible
- How much would the difference be from buying the parts as a pose to getting it prebuilt?
- Would I need to overclock it? I wouldn't trust myself to do it to be honest.
- As for aesthetics, I don't really care to be honest, aslong as the case isn't fugly as hell.

I haven't a clue where to start tbh. Was thinking of starting with an i7 but haven't a clue which type.

Many thanks in advance,

- Jon
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All the specs posted contain an aftermarket cooler, so you can OC if you wish, or just the motherboard software to do it for you. And NO, overclocking wont void the warranty, as "K" chips are built for that.

Which one is least retard proof/safest? Honestly I've never overclocked so this is all new to me. If I overclocked what would be a reasonable speed for the CPU? 4.2/4.3?

I would just like to thank everyone for their input. Definitely been an eye opener.
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