Time for an upgrade....which of these should I get?

28 Jan 2005
Ok, so probably the same questions as everyone else is asking but I'm going to ask anyway.

I've got an N95 and my T-mobile Flext35 contract is due up this month. I'm looking for something to replace it but need some held deciding. Here's the deal:

I use the phone for photos A LOT. As in, I never bother with a separate snapper now. The camera is the main reason I got the N95, so I could take decent pics of my 2-year old when out and about, without needing to carry two devices. So the first thing is I need something that will take superb photos.

I also want something that has a decent sized screen - I used to have a SonyEricsson P900 back in the day, and I really miss the larger screen which of course was also a touchscreen.

So, now I'm looking at the N97 cause it has the same camera, the Samsung 8910HD thing cause it's supposed to be a good camera but also good video too, and the Hero, although it looks like the camera sucks.
(I'm only considering the Hero cause I know I can get it free and it's Android - I'd probably just flog it and keep the N95 :) )

I could get the Hero (well, their own-branded version) free on T-mobile (and change to a cheaper tariff at the same time - yay!)
Or change to Orange and get the Samsung, with my broadband thrown in for free on a package only slighly more expensive (£40 a month)

Or could I persuade T-mobile to hold out on renewal until I can look at the SonyEricsson Satio, or the Nokia N900?

If it were you, what would you go for?
The hero has a decent camera but no flash at all.
How about the SE 995 or 905?

I was hoping for something with a larger touchscreen, though the 905 does look good. I think it's the 995 my wife was impressed with when we were looking at the weekend.

The lack of a flash on the Hero is a big minus for me tbh, it's really my last choice as far as a camera goes.
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