Time Lapse films

5 Feb 2008
I know a few time lapse films have been posted on the forum in the past. I was browsing earlier today and came across an article which directed me towards the website of Dominic Boudreault who is from Canada.

His website has a couple of time lapse videos. One called The City Limits and one called Quebec City. They are well worth a watch.

His website can be found here:-

Amazing! Would like to know how the stars are so clear where I have never seen a night sky like that before :(
All these videos are absolutely amazing. How would someone go about making a short time lapse film? What would you need?

I know you would need a tripod (obviously) and a remote timer. What about the software to create the film, is there a good free video software?

Also what setting on the camera would you use, because as the day goes on you would have to change the setting to suit the time etc or would you leave on for instance the 'P' mode on a canon? Also what about focusing on things?

Stolen from SA...

What is time lapse photography?

Essentially, time-lapse involves taking pictures at a set interval (such as every 3, 5, or 30 seconds) and compiling the images into an animation so that imperceptibly slow motion like cloud formation and celestial movement can be visualized. Neat, huh?

The Gear
  • A digital camera. Most DSLRs and some point and shoots will work.
  • A tripod
  • An intervalometer
  • A link cable between your intervalometer and your camera.
  • A computer with Quicktime to compile the images into an animation
What the hell is an intervalometer?
An intervalometer, also known as an interval timer is a device which counts predetermined periods of time. In this case, it is a device which sends an impulse to trigger the camera's shutter at a set interval.

Where can I get an intervalometer?
There are a few options when it comes to procuring an intervalometer.

The easiest, but most expensive, way is to purchase a dedicated interval timer for your camera. The Canon TC-80N3 is a good example of this. Unfortunately, these units are generally available only for higher end DSLR bodies and can cost between $70-200.

Another method is to use the software that comes packaged with most decent DSLR bodies, such as Canon's EOSutilities or Nikon's Nikon Capture. Just hook up a laptop with EOSutil to your camera, program your interval settings and exposure, and snap away. The only issue is portability and battery life.

A simple, cheap, yet somewhat unsophisticated method of interval timing involves programming a graphing calculator such as the TI-83, TI-84, or TI-85 to serve as an intervalometer. This is the method I use and it's served me well so far. Plus, most people who went to high school have some sort of graphing calculator lying around. Here is an excellent guide to programming your calculator for this purpose - http://www.instructables.com/id/Turn-a-TI-Graphing-Calculator-into-an-Intervalomet/

Lastly, some cameras have an integrated time-lapse feature. If that is the case, go ahead and use what your camera has to offer. Additionally, if you have a Canon point and shoot camera the CHDK (Canon Hack Development Kit) firmware hack has an interval feature.

Check it out here: http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK

Taking time-lapse photography
Go out, set up, and get shooting! Here are some tips to remember.
  • Use manual focus and exposure settings. If you leave your camera on any AF or AE settings, you'll get variations in focus and exposure which will cause a nasty strobe effect in your time-lapse.
  • Remember to compensate for rapidly changing light conditions. If you're trying to shoot a sunrise or sunset for example, remember that the scene is going to become brighter or darker over time. Under or over expose your initial capture to compensate.
  • Use an appropriate interval. If you're shooting clouds or traffic an interval from 2-5 seconds is fine. However, if you want to capture flowers blooming or multiple hour movements an interval between 5 and 30 minutes is more appropriate.
  • Don't worry about using RAW images unless you're willing to deal with compiling 400+ 20 megabyte files. Personally, I've been using the small, fine JPEG setting on my camera. It's a high enough resolution for 1280x720 video which is more than enough for Youtube and the like.
  • Have fun and experiment! Don't be afraid to try new things, if you mess up count it as a learning experience and apply it to the future.

Finishing touches
I've got the shots! How do I see this baby in motion?
This part is pretty easy. All you have to do is save your images in a folder in an ordered sequence--Tlapse1.jpg, Tlapse2.jpg, Tlapse3.jpg, etc.

Once your images are uploaded and ordered, open Quicktime, Go to "File>Select image sequence..." and select the first capture of your time-lapse and the frames per second you want your animation to use. I prefer 12 fps to get an animation that is smooth, but doesn't whizz by too fast. Quicktime will squish all of your photos together into an animation.

From here you can select "File>Export..." and save your compiled animation into mpeg4 format, or whatever other video codec you prefer. You can then upload the video as-is or use a video editing program to add music, adjust color, and any other further modifications you wish to make.
The timelapse remote intervalomtere thingy is fairly cheap on a well known auction site for chinese branded ones - should do the job as any other would. might just buy one after watching the OP's video, absolutely amazing!!!
Don't know but they inspired me to buy a 550D and give some photography a go. My attempts will probably be crap compared to them, but at least I have some nice music lined up! ;)
Are the images used all out of the camera images? surely they cant be all processed?

Programs like Lightroom 3 and Digital Photo Professional (which comes with Canon SLRs) allow you to tweak a photo and then apply the 'recipe' across to any other shots you select, such as a sequence of shots. Its quite quick to process a ton of shots like this.
Holy Thread Revival, thought I would add to this instead of making a new thread. Heres my first attempt at a night timelapse.

1218 photos, exposure was at 4 seconds and at 1 second intervals. came out pretty good I think, however video has lost some quality during upload. Images converted using Quicktime Pro.

Some fast moving clouds would look amazing i think done like this, hmmm will have to keep an eye on the weather next week i think :D
Just come across another one - this one is epic and set to the music from Sunshine.


Some of the pans and tilts are very smooth - any ideas how? I'm guessing a track of some kinda with fine markers on it, or maybe a motorised rig that moves a mm or 2 between shots. Sure he can't be moving by hand unless he's spending a lot of time after realigning all the frames?
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