Time machine + Airport extreme probs

19 Oct 2002
Stoke on trent
Hi all, please help me before i break something!!

Having a big problem which i have been trying to sort for 4 hours! i cant get time machine to recognise my external hard drive (freecom portable) which is plugged into my AEBS.

The drive is formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) with GUID and i can see the drive in finder no problems, its mounted but as soon as i load time machine and click choose disk it isn't showing.

If i insert the disk into the usb port on my macbook it pops up right away asking if i want to use it for time machine!!! GRRRRR

Mine was the same. Have you configured the File Sharing on your AEBS?


Then on your laptop, access the drive using your AE password (and ensure it's stored in the keychain) and then Time Machine should see it. Mine did after I'd done this.
Hi Feek, yes i've done that, i may change the password and enter it again when i get back to my mac as im out at the moment, i have a feeling i've messed to much :)

Well i tried changing the password so i had to re enter it with now joy.

I was wondering if my usb HD wasnt recieving enough power so i formatted my usb pen drive as required and time machine wont see that either, i can use both drives as an airdisk and they mount fine.

Its really annoying me now :D

Feek, i have uploaded jpgs of my airport settings, could you have a quick glance to see if theres anything obviously wrong?


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I have managed to get time machine see the disk by using a command i found on macrumors.

defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

Could this cause any issues? i'l see how it goes :)
I couldn't get that file at work and I've not been home too long - Glad you've managed to make it work.
It's not strictly supported (Time Machine via attached storage) on the AEBS.

There was a big issue about it when the Time Capsule launched as Apple originally advertised the AEBS for this sole reason (then pulled it from the product page). Have a search on MacRumors..

It was only enabled by "accident" in a bug fix / past firmware update, which is why it might be flaky, and would explain why the hack is working.
Ah i thought is was supposed to work but apple wont support it. Its done about 1gb now, 35 to go............

Most people have it working right away like Feek and Lordsplodge :)
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