Time Machine Failed To Backup

29 Mar 2006
Manchester, UK
It's done this a few times now. I get an eror message something along the lines of "Time Machine failed to back up". Now as far as I can tell it only does this when the machine is sleeping as I have just come home and the message is there.

After a quick search on the apple forums there seems there is no answer for this.

There is space left on the drive so it can't be that the drive is full. Would time machine be affected if a file was in use that it was trying to back up as I have EyeTV recording most of the time.

Any Ideas? It works fine if I do a manual backup.
I get this sometimes with my external WD mybook which is pretty much the worst purchase i ever made. The disks own firmware puts it to sleep after a period and as it occasionally takes too long to wake up, time machine reports an error.
I get it with my MyBook too, never got it when I was using an old PATA drive in a caddy.

I just let it get on with it though, the odd missed backup is no problem, considering it makes one every hour. I do wonder about the MyBook though, it's a bit slow, I get this error... cheap for a reason it seems! Good enough though.
all the newer external hard drives seem to want to sleep after a few min of no activity. however there is usually an option to turn it off (ususally buried in the tools that come with it ) :D
This Time Machine is becoming the bane of my life

As above, I back only a narrow band of files circa 10gb

When, in TM options, I add files not to back up, TM shows that what's included amounts to one thing, yet when it writes it to the external SD card, it ADDS some 3 GB, taking it over the cards limit, and hence fails!

What is this it is adding?, and can it be stopped.
While you can add folders you wish not to be backed up, it's probably the case that time machine is backing up non-configurable system folders.

In your case time machine probably isn't the best option and you should look for an alternative. In my experience it's worked flawlessly, except for my flaky Western Digital drive which can be temperamental.
Time Machine is designed to create a COMPLETE backup of your Mac, it's not primarily designed to back up only certain files.
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