Time Machine / Time Capsule...any takers?

11 Mar 2005
Afternoon all,

Just a quick question about time machine/time capsule... Has anybody had the pleasure of using it at any great length yet?

Does the time capsule integrate as seamlessley as apple say it does??

I'm seriously considering purchasing one of these this week, so would like to hear peoples views.


Tom :)
Thanks for the replies folks..

I've ordered one - so there is no going back now!

I agree - from what I've read elsewhere, and here the adsl/cable etc issue seems to be a bit of a non starter for me..

As above ^ just hide it away..

I think apple have to concede that some people will have adsl, and others cable so to implement any kind of solution would require some quite innovative hardware (which they specialise in) but I dont think the necessity is there..

On the upside, I've just been informed I can attach a drive to my homehub so i may try that over the weekend..

Either way, the time capsule is winging its way... and I'm looking forward to decluttering my desk..

Tom :)
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