Time Machine

16 Aug 2005
Just wondering how many people use this?

I'm asking because I think it's a really good feature, but the ability to only use it with USB HDD's plugged into the machine itself is annoying (I like keeping my iMac a wire free zone ;))

If you do use it, have you used the command to enable the use of a network location? If so how stable is it?

Cool, will give that a shot! :D



I don't really want to format my vista machine just to install FreeNAS :|

Anyone else done this? :)
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Networked Attached Storage (NAS) works using the 'net protocols, and will work regardless of the file formats of the drive target drive.
Sorry not sure whether I've confused everyone...

I know how a NAS works and the ins and outs, just wondered if anyone used the command that can be found on google to enable a USB drive attached to another machine and shared out to be used via Time Machine.

As for FreeNAS, is it possible just to partition a drive and just have it run alongside vista then? (Might be being stupid, but does it need that partition to be active when needing to use the NAS? Or can you boot into windows and let it run without an issue?)
Not attached to another machine, but I've heard of the hack that enables AirTunes on the AirPort Extreme Base station (with attached USB devices) with limited success.

Not sure about FreeNAS.
I've been using it for a couple of months. 320GB drive in a firewire caddy, which I connect up when at my desk. It's come in handy a couple of times where I've accidentally deleted data.

I was tempted to try it with FreeNAS on an old P3 machine I have lying around, but not feeling brave enough to trust my data to it.
Started to use it since friday after i accidently deleted a load of RAW image files from aperture.

Luckily filesalvage found the RAWs!

Using it with a MacBook and a WD 250GB external HDD, no problems so far.

Saying that I don't think i've ever actually had to use it yet...
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