Time on the iphone?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Only had my iphone a little while and Im not really sure on all the termonoligy so please correct me if I get them wrong.

On the springboard at the top it has a little bar at the top that has O2 and the battery etc, is there a way that you can get the time on there?

I know the time is on the lock screen but would find it usefull here too

Downloaded quickpwn, ran it as per the instructions and it rebooted once completed. The only thing Ive installed so far is winterboard and then downloaded the Aston Martin lock screen and thats it.
Try unticking everything in winterboard and then exiting. The phone should do a 'respring', which is like a soft reboot. See if that brings back the time.

You Sir are a genious! It clearly doesnt like the Aston Martin screen saver as it goes away again when you put that back on!
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