Time to borg and start Boinc!

9 Jan 2003
ok I've reached a position where I've reached my goal of getting into top 100 of seti classic OcUK members, I've reached 10,000 units +
so its time to move on to Boinc

now I've got some PCs arriving this week (YEY) a few 2500 i think, so I'm gonna borg em up for boinc,
ok thats the good news
heres the bad news
I'm not gonna be able to run boinc on my multi processor system. its been my only PC running seti classic for a year or two now
but i can't let Boinc on there as the guy who owns it and is paying for it to keep running has issues with the security on boinc
so outputs gonna die soonish.
ok so any anyone tell me where to find the files for boinc?
and where do i signup?

also, how do I set it to only connect to the internet between xx and xx ?
and how do i get it to keep lots of WUs on my sytems incase of outages?
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Originally posted by VeNT
ok so any anyone tell me where to find the files for boinc?
and where do i signup?
You should have an account created automagically as you were running classic before May

also, how do I set it to only connect to the internet between xx and xx ?
You can set it in general preferences but it will ignore it and connect whenever it wants - persoanlly I unplug the modem :rolleyes:

and how do i get it to keep lots of WUs on my sytems incase of outages?
You don't want too big a cache as wu's expire within 2 weeks, just set the number of days to how much storage you want/need - too much and wu's are useless :(
Oh and you can only download 50 wu's a day.
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Originally posted by VeNT
so even if I'm using more than 50wus a day I can only get 50?

I believe the 50/day is per machine, not per user, and if you've got a machine that can crunch more than 2 wu's an hour, I want one. Now!

Good luck with the crunching!

Alan Woodford
50 work units per account wouldn't go very far.

This whole wu business is a double edged sword. If you set you download frequency to high, you run the risk of the wu expiring before you process them ( dependent upon your processing time / benchmarks of course ). However, this does force Berkley into ensuring their wu server if up to the task.
Originally posted by doofus
50 work units per account would be a bit tight if you had, say, 51 pc's

TJC download approx 250-300/day - its per machine (or Host ID to be more correct - since its possible to get (via Ghost) several machines with the same ID).

so if I'm using ICS for the PCs I'm gonna have, It will alow me 50 per day over the lot of em?
i don't think its gonna be an issue tbh
Originally posted by Gojira
and if you've got a machine that can crunch more than 2 wu's an hour, I want one. Now!
Go and look for a Quad-Opteron (or 8 CPU system), that will test the limit nicely :) (and test your credit card as well :o )
Originally posted by Dutch Guy
Go and look for a Quad-Opteron (or 8 CPU system), that will test the limit nicely :) (and test your credit card as well :o )

A quick Google says the problem isn't the credit card, so much as it's the wife standing behind me with a Large Blunt Implement (TM) :distinctly nervous grin:

Alan Woodfrod
(See. Can't even type my own name right when I'm being watched :grin: )
Originally posted by VeNT
so if I'm using ICS for the PCs I'm gonna have, It will alow me 50 per day over the lot of em?
i don't think its gonna be an issue tbh
Nah it will be 50 per PC, each machine has a unique identifier.
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