Time to cut and run

30 Nov 2007
Bristol, UK
Well its Xmas and with a 3 month notice period I'm going to give the ultimate gift to my boss and hand the notice in over the holiday so I'm available for something else around the end of March.

This last role has been doing my nut and there is absolutely no enjoyment, satisfaction, ability to learn new stuff and basically dread going in these days as Im doing the work of 2-3 people

Anyway summery is

was thinking of going Apr/May time even though i got the highest grade this year out of my peers (which equated to a measly 1.5% payrise) - just fed up with it. Got offered a role 2 steps above me to learn a completely new skill but basically got shafted for 3 months - worked 16 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week for that role but achieved what was asked. Was then asked if i wanted to apply for a role higher than my original role so 1 step up I went for it as I was still thinking of going as the alternative. Got it and was told the new company policy was no payrises for internal moves.......(if that wasnt a sign I dont know what was!). Even though this role has so much more responsibility and owning a solution from start to end is great, at the end of the day life is rubbish / stressful and for no extra spondoola so 3 months in and its time to go

Not looking for advice, just typing this out has put a smile on my face and I'm going to enjoy Xmas this year with an end in sight.

Have a good Xmas break all.......

Oh I work in IT
Well its Xmas and with a 3 month notice period I'm going to give the ultimate gift to my boss and hand the notice in over the holiday so I'm available for something else around the end of March.

This last role has been doing my nut and there is absolutely no enjoyment, satisfaction, ability to learn new stuff and basically dread going in these days as Im doing the work of 2-3 people

Anyway summery is

was thinking of going Apr/May time even though i got the highest grade this year out of my peers (which equated to a measly 1.5% payrise) - just fed up with it. Got offered a role 2 steps above me to learn a completely new skill but basically got shafted for 3 months - worked 16 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week for that role but achieved what was asked. Was then asked if i wanted to apply for a role higher than my original role so 1 step up I went for it as I was still thinking of going as the alternative. Got it and was told the new company policy was no payrises for internal moves.......(if that wasnt a sign I dont know what was!). Even though this role has so much more responsibility and owning a solution from start to end is great, at the end of the day life is rubbish / stressful and for no extra spondoola so 3 months in and its time to go

Not looking for advice, just typing this out has put a smile on my face and I'm going to enjoy Xmas this year with an end in sight.

Have a good Xmas break all.......

Oh I work in IT

Does sound like something that should have been agreed in writing, pay rises, career development and all. As a bystander, your info makes it sound like your employer dangled the carrot in front of you to get you to move where you were needed, whilst saving a bit of cash in a pinch. Onwards and upwards!

Merry Christmas!
Don't blame you. I was in a similar situation once, I got out and I've never been better.

I'm not in a better place money wise to be honest with you, but I have a better education and I'm in a job that I can enjoy and most importantly it doesn't make me want to jump out of the window.

More important things in life than money and if your job is sucking the life out of you its not worth what you earn.
Thanks - I've said on here many times that moving companies is the only way to get a decent payrise and if you aren't happy in your job to quit and move on. So its my time again to practice what I've been preaching. For some odd reason I thought this employer (global comms) would be better than it was...!
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