Time to game

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
As some of you are aware, when you get older, time gets more restrictive and your enthusiasm after a long days work to game can vary week to week.

My gf's brother asks me to play games with him a lot, he's Polish and lives with his parents in Poland. So time is tight enough as he's 12 and things like WoW can only be played to a certain time in his house hold (too right!).

I haven't played many games the last week or 2 due to stress at work, I simply get home, browse the net and then call it a night.

I'm only 27 (only...) but I'm wondering, will it get worse or is it just the norm that you just put gaming down as a hobby you do when you feel like it?

Don't get me wrong, once I'm engulfed in a game, I'm fully into it. Yesterday, tried Street fighter IV on hardest setting, made it 4 rounds, I was shouting and sweating in excitement and nerves! Damn good fun. I'm not a good gamer, but enjoy it.

Thoughts? When I was 18, it was a totally different ballgame, all I did was drink in bars or play games haha. Now, I'd rather mop the kitchen floor some days (seriously, I'm a clean freak).
Currently still a movie buff, try to watch at least 2 new films during the week evenings.
A successful home business is good, but not sure I would want to be spending half of every working week on a console when I'm 50...

Agree, 20 hours a week is a fair chunk. If I managed to play for 10 hours a week, I'd feel like I'd got a fair amount of time. 20 hours is a bit... Extreme. I'm out the door at half 7. In the door at half 6, dishes done, dinner made by half 7, sometimes 8. Finish around half past, maybe 9pm. then an hour or so gaming if I fancy it.
Another factor is money spent on our computer systems. I threw down £500 the other month on the 980ti upgrading from a 780. And one of the main reasons is I just don't want to sit fiddling around with settings. I want to get a game, launch it up, stick it to absolute max, turn on my plasma, sit on the sofa with a 360 controller and enjoy 60fps smoothness admiring PC master race graphics haha.

But seriously, whilst it's still my hobby, spending the money every year upgrading the PC is getting a bit... Painful. I really am tempted by a PS4 as of late, but I just know it won't be worth it.
When was the last time someone did an all nighter in a game?

I can't remember! I think WoW was the last game I did it with though.
:eek: Unless you're gaming when at work, or sleep about 5 hours a night, then you must surely have almost no interaction with your family. How on earth do you fit in those sort of gaming hours?

Agree, I think it's a bit of an exaggeration. Either he has NO contact with his family/friends and spends all waking moments during the week and at least half the weekend on the PC, or no job, on benefits on the PC all week.

I'm around until next week, thanks for the love,
The Daily Mail
I love how you see your only option for going out as "getting smashed". You know, you can go out and socialise and have a great time without getting hammered...

I used to get smashed and call it being social. These days, I rarely get drunk when going out. But when I do... Oh boy the hangovers. It's just not possible to survive them anymore! I used to bounce around on 3 nights in a row! I can barely do 1!!!

These days, I agree, I'd rather head out to meet my mates for a fry up in the morning, have friends round in the evening.

BUT, some weekends, nothing beats being insanely lazy and sitting infront of a game all weekend. Which is what I intend to do this Sunday.
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