Time to retire the 9700k?

7 Feb 2019
Current spec;

I7-9700k @ 4.9ghz
32Gb Corsair DDR4 @ 3000mhz
GigaByte Z390 UD
Asus Dual Geforce 4070
Various 970 EVO SSDs

I've been running this build since about 2019, other than swapping the 2070 for a 4070 and replacing the SSD's. It's served me very well, as the CPU as been excellent, running at 4.9 on air with very little in the way of fan noise.

CPU's have come a long way since, but has the shift been major enough to bother upgrading? I am rarely CPU bound as my gaming tends to lean on the VR side of things (Typically DCS) but conscious core usage doesn't always tell the entire story.

Would likely retain the GPU at this time, but any suggestions on what to base a solid upgrade on?

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