Time travel

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
Hi all,
so this got me thinking:
If you could travel back in time, say 500 years, given your current knowledge/experience/whatever, what could you impart on the world that might improve it?
For example, would you know how to re-create/re-invent something that we use today that the world of 500 years ago could use to its benefit?

Personally, even at 51 and with quite a lot of life/work experience behind me, I'm not sure i can think of anything right now that i could introduce or McGyver the hell out of to a world of 500 years ago.

What about you? I guess if you're a scientist or medical practitioner you'd be pretty useful......
Good responses, but maybe we're overthinking it. Forget the being burned for witchcraft and all the other social reasons etc. Bearin mind we are talking time travel :) so already this topic is a bit "out there"
What could YOU yourself do? Anythign in your job that you could make?
Was the matchstick around in 1600AD? Or was it still whacking flint on flint etc.
I don't know just something you could recreate even if it was to just improve your own existence there.

ps.....don't know why im so fascinated by this
OK so if I'm tied to my profession (software engineer) there's basically nothing I can do because there are no computers, the profession doesn't exist yet and there's nothing comparable. My backup career option was joining the navy, but the navy 500 years ago was super dangerous so probably not that either.
Aaah, before the Duke or Albany's Royal Maritime Regiment of Foot eh? Yeah the navy would be in early doors in 1600, and not formally formed until mid 1600's IIRC.
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OK, slight amendment to the concept (its my game, so why not).

So, what century would you need to time travel to to allow YOUR skills/experience to make a difference?
So, OP, are you planning a trip to the middle east, Africa, south America or Mars?
Lol, random! Not sure a horse and cart would get me to Mars.
The source alone knows why this thought just popped into my head this morning. I certainly started the thread without putting too much thought into it. :cool:
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