Tin foil hat time...

3 Aug 2003
Possibly :D

I was just surfing ********, as you do and this little Gem popped up as released yesterday.


Off to research it further now, oh the joys of entertaining oneself in the evening.

Where's that chef Majik. :D

Planet X lol

Getting there with detail..
After three months of comet observations we can state that, at present, its orbit is well known, at least the times of close approach to the Sun and Earth. The comet’s perihelion will be September 10th; closest approach to the Earth will be October 16th.

"The perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet where it is nearest to the sun."
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At it's closest it will be 21,000,000 miles out. Compare that to the moon, which is 238,000 miles away from the Earth.

Venus for example is at it's closest 23,000,000 miles from the Earth.

So I think you can see that whatever that video is saying, the Comet will have little or no impact on the Earth.

Some of the less "conspiracy based websites I've found (basically ones about astronomy only), suggest..

"Now I want to concentrate on the gravitational influence of giant planets on the comet’s orbit, in particular its eccentricity. At left you can see a graph of the dependence of the magnitude of the eccentricity on time. The calculations were made with the help of the programming complex EPOS in the time interval from 1900 to 2200. As can be seen from the graph, the orbital eccentricity outside the field of influence of the giant planets, especially Jupiter, changes cyclically by extremely small amounts (it also changes the eccentricity of the planets, including Earth).
Relatively serious changes in orbital eccentricity began in 2004 when the comet crossed the orbit of Uranus. Approaching the interior part of the solar system, the orbital eccentricity began to decrease, but in absolute terms the decrease is not significant. But the orbital eccentricity continues to diverge from a parabola. The decrease in eccentricity will continue to decrease for six more years until the comet once again passes beyond the orbit of Uranus. The comet will return to the Sun in around 10,000 years."
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