well... its getting there anyway
at least TKC hasn't died... and we'll be beating those German's again soon
TKC 2.0 Preview Program Launched!
We are proud to present the first preview release of TKC2.0. Please keep in mind that this is still software in early development - this release basically doesn't do anything.
But, it's a release, and it means that we really are working on this thing! For real! Eventually, it might actually get around to doing all the stuff that it used to do. For now, you'll need to use a little imagination. Or a lot of imagination.
TKC2.0 Preview Releases
There's some extra juicy details about the next planned preview over at Apoch's Blog - be sure to check it out, and leave your comments!
at least TKC hasn't died... and we'll be beating those German's again soon