Tips for a New Oblivion (elder scrolls) player (high elf race)

5 Dec 2005
ive just started playing oblivion, really enjoying it! but have restarted loads of times to create a good player

ive chosen high elf becuase i want to specilise in magic - ive also bought electric touch whcih is taking out those scamps in three hits

basiclly im on the quest after removing the oblvion gate stone thing now im going through the castle looking for the price (i think, first propper mission)

its also taking me ages to go up a level any tips to increase level quickly, i need to get some new spells as the high elfs vaunverbility to fire is getting me killed quick!! any help woud be great


my star sign is MAGE

custon class - sneak, destruction, illusion, athletics, the market trader one, basiclly nearly the all of the magic ones apart from healing (sorry about being vague, at work so cant check)

RACE - High elf
im not using a weapon at all, i just get killed all im using is lightning touch (destruction)

its seems about 3/4 nudges from the scamps early on and im dead

should i look out for any valuable items and what would be the next thing to spend good money on? and also how much should i save?
ive completed kvatch on level one - didnt know about the dungeons

do you think its worth going back and resetting my character's 7 skills?

i just used magic to beat kvatc- now im on level 2......

ive just get my arse kicked when i try and use a sword..... i use the shocking touch that takes 25 damage - two hits and the scamps are dead!!

do you think its worth going to back to the sewers and changing my setup? if so what shall i chose: (for magic)
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