Tips on flying a plane (BF2)



18 Jan 2003
Anyone got any tips cause I seem to get blown outta the sky alllll the time by air defences and other planes.

Any lil tips that will help me along? Like how to turn effectivly to get on someones tail and stuff.

Thanks Luke
What i do,and i got this from playing BF1942 but it still works on bf2 is go high just before it gets too cloudy, put nose cam on (F9) and hold ctrl and using your mouse look down underneth you. Then when you see another jet dive down get behind him. Also when trying to get somebody off your tail dont pull a loop cos if he is close enough he can just follow you around it and BOOM.
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well seeing as im the best jet pilot ive ever seen i will give you these facts :p
1. GEt a Joytick
2. dont get one with a twisty handle as that is bad for fast paced flying
3.use afterburner, A LOT
4. when following a jet use the bombing mode so they dont know your there (they wont hear a alarm), then when they fly straight, switch to rockets and BOOM,
5. always slow down to get helis
6. when in serious trouble fly vertical to 700 m then kill the engines, the guy following you will go past will end up in a spin
7.if you are in a spin dont reverse, just dont press anything beacuse this way you can fall on your nose and put on some power to level out,
8. if youve lost most of your armour, land, by slowing down and pulling up at the point where the plane starts to want to go nose down.
Eliot said:
well seeing as im the best jet pilot ive ever seen i will give you these facts :p
1. GEt a Joytick -agreed
2. dont get one with a twisty handle as that is bad for fast paced flying - i prefer twist, gives you so much more control over your plane and you can turn a lot sharper or turn whilst flying level. It just makes you a lot less predictable
3.use afterburner, A LOT - depends, AB for a bombing run so that you have less time to get shot. Sometimes trying to AB from someone chasing you can put you at a disadvantage, it gives them a decent amount of room to just missile you down.
4. when following a jet use the bombing mode so they dont know your there (they wont hear a alarm), then when they fly straight, switch to rockets and BOOM, - You could also try, this, attempt a lock at longer range, let them dodge around a bit then switch to bombs, they think they've shaken you and level off to regroup, then you hit them.
5. always slow down to get helis - also never attack a heli from infront, a good pilot will still shoot you down, especially if youre going slow
6. when in serious trouble fly vertical to 700 m then kill the engines, the guy following you will go past will end up in a spin - I much prefer to hit the deck, if youre good enough, fly under 15-20m above the ground, they will have to dip down to even get a shot near you at which point they bottle out because theyre too close to the ground, wusses.
7.if you are in a spin dont reverse, just dont press anything beacuse this way you can fall on your nose and put on some power to level out, - aye, autopilot pretty much, its your friend.
8. if youve lost most of your armour, land, by slowing down and pulling up at the point where the plane starts to want to go nose down.- A slow flyby (at 20m) above the airstrip will rearm and repair you sufficiently most of the time, unless youre a flying wreck, at which point 2 passes may be required. To do a proper 180 in the air, either loop over or turn 90 one way, and 270 the other way.
I find it a lot easier to fly jets (and choppers) in BF2 with a mouse than a joystick.

Advice I can give you (from my experience):
- Turn your sensitivity up.
- Use all cameras.
- Use afterburners and go *down* when you have a missile locked onto you. Sharp turns will help you stay alive.
- If you hear the beeping, leave it 2 seconds then pump out your flares.
- Never slow down whilst in air.
- Never fly in a straight line.

I'm sure theres more, but I havern't played in a month or two.

true flightsims i have just used the keyboard before and its perfectly acceptable (although i use my joystick all the time now that i actually have one)... but bf2 is not a flightsim, u need a mouse ......... or a joystick, much much better
also, boot up single player and fine tune your setup/controls then learn all the AA points on the maps.
learn bombing routes for example, flying from the essex to bomb a site and back to essex to re-arm etc.

search for some videos by 'planewhore' , you'll see how to bomb
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