Tips to get the best out of new 2GB RAM and 3700+

20 Jan 2006
Hello :)

I have my new build up and running:

G.Skill 2GB DDR ZX PC3200 (2x1GB) CAS2 Dual Channel Kit
Athlon 64 3700+ 939
MSI Neo2 Platinum 939

How can I get the best performance out of this, without going to really extreme overclocking levels?

I have changed these BIOS settings:

1T Timing - Is this the best? I don't really know the difference from 2T.
Enable BIOS Caching - I set this to Enabled, is that good?
AGP Aperture size - I put this upto 512MB.

Please let me know what is best like FSB and RAM timings etc.

THe biggest difference will arise from switching from 2T to 1T - this is normally achieved by 'disabling 2T' in the bios.

No idea about bios caching.

AGP Aperture has little to no effect, whatever the size.

Just ramp up the FSB to 210 for your first overclock, and up the voltage a notch for mobo/cpu/memory.
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