Titan 8700i Pulse hitting 81c when gaming.....should I be concerned?

13 Jun 2013
Hey guys as the title says I'm running an Overclockers Titan 8700i Pulse i5 3570k system (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-247-OE) with the addition of a Sapphire AMD Radeon 7950 OC graphics card (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-313-SP) and a 1TB HDD 7200rpm and last night whilst playing Crysis 3 and Dirt 3 using Core Temp one of the core's hit 81c with the others within the 70c's. Should I be concerned?

I had previously upgraded by RAM to 16GB (as per my last post) but after reading the responses I got and reading various articles I reverted back to 8GB so apart from the additional HDD and Graphics card everything else is as it came from here.

Any thoughts or advice appreciated.
Hi there,

81C is well within the tolerance of the system. If it was breaching 90C or higher then I would be more concerned but even at those temperatures the Intel CPU will operate fine.

Out of interest where do you keep the system, is the room normally warm etc. i just need to get an idea regarding the operating environment the system is put in.
Hi there,

81C is well within the tolerance of the system. If it was breaching 90C or higher then I would be more concerned but even at those temperatures the Intel CPU will operate fine.

Out of interest where do you keep the system, is the room normally warm etc. i just need to get an idea regarding the operating environment the system is put in.

Thanks NaithWraith. As for location the it normally lives in the front room behind the TV unit as is used as a gaming and media machine. I've always made sure to have a good air circulation around it and does not much warmer than the room in general as the TV is LED so doesn't generate much heat.

You need more fans / better case. Though I wouldn't worry, as Nath says 80c is fine for Ivy Bridge. They run hot :)

Thanks Illuz a new case isnt an option but fans certainly are so will pop out and grab a pair. Any suggestions on the best locations within the case I currently have and should they be intake or exhaust?
Thanks NaithWraith. As for location the it normally lives in the front room behind the TV unit as is used as a gaming and media machine. I've always made sure to have a good air circulation around it and does not much warmer than the room in general as the TV is LED so doesn't generate much heat.

Thanks Illuz a new case isnt an option but fans certainly are so will pop out and grab a pair. Any suggestions on the best locations within the case I currently have and should they be intake or exhaust?

Sounds like an ok position for the system to be in.

Do you have a picture at all?

You could uprate the exhaust fans but they won't shift the temperature massively.
you could always take the overclock off I believe with ocuk it's stored as a motherboard profile so you can easily get it back if you revert to optimised defaults (just make a note of the boot order)
I doubt you would even notice the difference tbh and it would probably run at least 10-20c cooler

stick the oc back on when summer is gone
Thanks for the replies and in the end I actually for more fans in the end and fitted 2 of these (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FG-024-AK&groupid=701&catid=2331) one in the top of the case set as exhaust and one in the side as intake.

So with this setup I've been doing a few tests this PM and on Prime95 max temp is down to 76c and playing Crysis 3 for an hour temps only reached 73c.

Im a happy fella now.:D
Thanks for the replies and in the end I actually for more fans in the end and fitted 2 of these (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FG-024-AK&groupid=701&catid=2331) one in the top of the case set as exhaust and one in the side as intake.

So with this setup I've been doing a few tests this PM and on Prime95 max temp is down to 76c and playing Crysis 3 for an hour temps only reached 73c.

Im a happy fella now.:D

Glad to hear it :)

It is cooler today too so hopefully the ambient temp has affected your system.
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