"Titan Nero"

17 Jun 2010
Hey guys, just needing some advice for a newbie.

I have £400-450ish (might be a tad optimistic) to spend on a system, preferably prebuilt (or as good as), capable of running present games to a fairly good standard. I was wondering if the above system would run well games like Mass Effect 2, Bad Company 2, MW2, Bioshock 2 and the new Fallout game coming out at say 1280x1024.

Any recommendations on what I should ask for when changing the specs of this system when I order would be welcome :). I'm thinking bigger HDD but I'd assume when they say "small change" to the specs, it may be a bit optimistic to try for a slightly better CPU? lol. Would this CPU last me fine for a year or two? I'm happy with the GFX card currently in the specs. I would stretch to £500 or near abouts.

This is my first real system which I'm going to upgrade over the years if possible so would be very grateful for any advice regarding getting a good base if you like.

I have a monitor, OS etc. so it's just really the base unit required.

Thanks for any replies,

17 Jun 2010
Yeah will defo be getting a better monitor at some point in the future =]. Will contact the OC people and see how much more the 5770 will cost, ty for the recommendation =]. How loud was the 5750 when you had it? I'm reading some worrying comments in forums and other places online saying the 4850 is pretty bad. I don't mind a bit of noise when playing games but if I'm browsing the web, watching dvds of whatever it may be an issue.
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