5 May 2004

was really looking forward to getting this but it seems this game is massively bugged

crashes to desktop

saves dont work
dosent work with realtek audio

the list goes on and on

do any of you guys have this and suffer any probs the patch that came out just fixed the online issues and didnt address the actual game issues

this has/had the promise to be a great game and instead it seems it has been released by a bunch of clowns after a quick buck

their support forums aint even that good they are a thread on the ign boards lol
:eek: i was gonna buy this game soon,maybe i should save my money.
it does look like a fantastic game.
my PC Gamer came in the post the other day but i havnt got round to reading it yet. :p
spinna said:
it does look like a fantastic game.

Don't be put off the game is great fun and i have none of the problems described by the OP.

I gave up buying PC Gaming mags years ago, they aren't worth the paper there printed on imo. Download the demo and make up your own mind.
Whats the multiplayer like? I read somewhere that the characters are not stored server-side, so wouldnt that lead to cheating?
You need to download the 1.08 patch which helps a lot.

However I agree the game should never have been released the state it was in. Pretty much unplayable before the patch.
I think its a good game :) Not quite as good as Dungeon Siege imo, but still very good nonetheless. Unlike most poor releases, there have been almost daily reports from THQ in the 'official' forums (Titan Quest Vault).

Using onboard audio for gaming, tut tut ;)
m4cc45 said:
You need to download the 1.08 patch which helps a lot.

However I agree the game should never have been released the state it was in. Pretty much unplayable before the patch.
It didnt help me, I still got desktop crashes and such... :(
Boogle said:
I think its a good game :) Not quite as good as Dungeon Siege imo, but still very good nonetheless. Unlike most poor releases, there have been almost daily reports from THQ in the 'official' forums (Titan Quest Vault).

Using onboard audio for gaming, tut tut ;)

got a silverstone sugo mate so just trying to keep down on components really im not really big gamer just play pro evo but this game took my fancy

i might hold off ordering it

did read though that if you are using a naughty copy of the game or a no cd crack it checks for these and the serial at stages through the game and if it is supicious then it will crash to desktop
Sadly it's the same with the original... I do believe it's the copy protection but it still crashes to desktop..

The game is a buggy pile of mess with a little fun underneath it - it does get really repetitive quite quickly and it's always the same way to defeat the monsters (all of them) also the pets don't have any controls..

Don't get me wrong it is a little fun (especially if you like Diablo) it's just not worth upwards of 60% in a review...
Try running it in windowed mode. Not ideal, but fixed my problems.

Still looks good too, and very enjoyable game once you get it stable.
there is an update for the game that fixes all problems
as for the game itself, i think it is a good one so you should try it and form your own opinion.

does anyone know how to keep the save game? I have tried copying the stuff it put into your documents folder then pasting then to another installation on another pc but it does not work
Should work fine. Unless your transferring the character to an installation that uses a different CD key in which case it won't work since the characters are bound to the key.
well i got the game and have not really had any of the probs so far although i am only in greece still fighting the centaur in laconis i still gave it a good 2 hour hammering just looking around and fighting anything i could find lol

have realtek onboard sound and no probs

not encountered one crash yet

gfx card bug has not affected me (temps soaring ) mine is staying at a steady 63 which for a 6800gs in a sugo i wouldnt call bad

had no gfx issues

character has saved ok with no probs

so hopefully am ok to continue as i heard most of probs came in about the first 30 mins of game

im only running the gfx at medium and am still impressed with the gfx think this is the first game i have played on my 19 inch widescreen that has a proper res in the game with no stretching
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thanks for that Skeme this might be the prob.
i have just completed the game and if you start again you get to keep all weapons and skill/level points
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