"Titan Sabre DC" Build

8 Aug 2010
Hey guys,
Really should have asked this BEFORE, I put in the order, but how and ever :p

Just purchased myself the Titan Sabre DC gaming rig. I just couldn't deal with having to build myself this time and having the reassurance and build quality of the OcUK guys is always a plus.

I sent a mail once I ordered re changing the stock CPU Cooler that comes with the Titan Sabre to the
Zalman CNPS12X Ultimate.

I am sure this is compatible with the CPU and build, just wanted to make sure it will be ok with the NZXT 820 Full TOwer

Any help would be appreciated. I just want to make sure I get it right 1st time.

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The Titan Sabre DC comes with a Deepcool Lucifer cooler as standard, rather than the stock cooler so there might be no need to change. Details for the cooler can be seen below

Deepcool Lucifer

Hope this helps
Happy days

Well machine arrived....or well I went to pick it up :p Not oc's issue. Couldn't be happier
I put up a review and will wait for that, but for anyone who's searching the forums and want a more aesthetic view of the case and system.

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