Titanfall season pass for free on Origin

10 Jan 2011
just so ppl know, Origin is giving away Titanfall season pass for free ATM so might be worth picking this game up for a few ££
Really wanted to buy this at full price but no offline ever (even though its technically possible) plus EA track record of taking game server's offline=no sale for me ever!
I just get this error. Probably busy so will try in the morning.

Error Code 4014
A general error has occurred and we were unable to process your payment at this time.
Try using a different payment method, or simply wait for a moment and try again later to place your order.
I just get this error. Probably busy so will try in the morning.

Error Code 4014
A general error has occurred and we were unable to process your payment at this time.
Try using a different payment method, or simply wait for a moment and try again later to place your order.

I am getting the same, anyone else had any luck with this or fixed the 4014 issue?
I was getting an error last night at the time of my posting (through my phone) but I went back an hour later on my PC (origin client) and it went straight through.
I don't even own the game but I got it in hope that Titanfall can be had cheap for a few quid or even free at some point. Thanks.
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