Tmobile & Upgrades

22 Nov 2002
Wherever I want to be
My upgrade is due tomorrow on my tmobile contract, I spend £42+ a month spread over two contracts(1x UFIX £15 and Relax 100).

Now I've been looking on e2save at the SE w800i and seen it with 7 months half price line rental on relax 200 and the phone for free, however tmobile want £79.99 for this handset and get no half price goodies.

So are they easy to blag a good deal out of if I threaten to cancel my Relax 100 contract?
Well its over and done with, Im gutted tbh, £110 for the w800 as an upgrade, I told them I was going, they wouldn't do it cheaper regardless of what I said.

The woman sounded a right bore. So my Relax 100 contract ends next month(27/2/06).

I want to order a w800i now, but am I allowed? Atm I have the Relax 100 + U Fix £15 contracts. Am I allowed another connection?

I've discarded my Relax 100 number. I personally cannot wait to get totally rid of them(My UFIX line will be going next).

I might look into going for Orange/O2.

I don't fancy going with Voda since hearing they restrict their handset features...

---- 11 months 1/2 price line rental(via chequeback) and a free w800 on Orange OVP 200? Should I? This is a 12 month contract right?
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