To amp or not to amp?

2 Nov 2004
That is the question, for the answer the floor is yours...

Just installed 100w RMS speakers in my car (Rainbow 265 SLC), and a Pioneer 77MP, which runs the speakers fairly well...

I also have a Blaupunkt 80w RMS amp that I COULD fit - but it would take a lot of effort and things seem to work fine as they are - what advantages would I get for my trouble?
Vanilla said:
Yes you should amp them. They are decent speakers and although it sounds good now it's no where near their full potential.

Personally i'd spend a little and get an amp off ebay that can give them the full whack, a decent Genesis, JL or PG amp.

I chose the Blaupunkt because it was light, small and a good brand. Evaluating my options, I think it is the best choice or near as damn it - consider that this has all been installed in an MX-5 so size and weight are a massive concern...
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