To Caffeine or Not To Caffeine, When Training?

28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
I stopped drinking caffeine about 3 years ago. It wasn't really for any reason. I think I heard about how you don't so much get a boost from caffeine, you just get lifted out of a dip. If you remove caffeine you never go into the dip in the first place.

Recently I heard in a YouTube video that caffeine helps with weight loss as it helps mobilise fat to be burnt and I'm wondering if I should go back on to the caffeine version of coffee. If nothing else, on the days I'm training, lifting, running or cycling.

What do you think? What actually are the downsides? Is it overall a benefit?
Yes, caffeine is excellent.

Just be mindful of the amount, most people are unaware of how much they consume.

Do a 10-14 day detox every so often when you feel your dosage is creeping e.g. you take 200mg and still feel tired/need more caffeine.

My preference for caffeine is a large dose around 10.30am. You don't really want to have it first thing in the morning when you wake up, allow your body to wake naturally otherwise caffeine can interfere with that natural cycle.

I have 150-200mg around 10.30am, and maybe another 50mg no later than 1pm on weekends otherwise it will wreck your sleep.
Ive only just started working out about 2/3 months ago and recently started using a pre workout I think it makes a difference to me whilst training. I'm often on nightshift and train once I wake up before my shift. it gives me a boost.
Some pre workouts are quiet strong and have to build up a tolerance I started with half a scoop and a little more after it stopped taking effect. Once my tub is empty I usually don't buy for another couple weeks to have a break.

I do drink quite a lot of coffee as well shouldn't drink as much as I do
Thanks guys.

Do you just drink coffee, or get it from a supplement. Do you only do it on days you train?

It doesn’t really matter. I take a pre-workout at the moment or a can or monster zero (white). I’m training 6 days a week currently. On the rest day I’ll still have caffeine.
Hmm, interesting. I heard beetroot also helps your body break down fat for exercise. Having a quick google now, I can't find anything confirming that, although it is talked about being great for when exercising.

In one article it does mention Matcha green tea, which is what I remember @mrk mentioning previously. I've just subscribed to some Matcha tablets on Amazon.

I'm already taking vitamins, MSM, Spirulina & Chlorella and sometimes Omega 3. Add in Matcha and I'll be rattling soon...
Just have a decent dosage of caffeine and start taking creatine. I wouldn’t bother with anything else.
Creatine is for building muscle, right? Not great if you're trying to lose weight? :)

(Tbf, I don't mind putting muscle mass on, but I guess I'm more trying to maintain muscle and lose body fat)
Creatine is for building muscle, right? Not great if you're trying to lose weight? :)

(Tbf, I don't mind putting muscle mass on, but I guess I'm more trying to maintain muscle and lose body fat)

Creatine won't affect fat loss, but it will help with muscle building. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn passively.
For fat loss it's the sort of 0.5% minutia thing; the only exogenous stuff for fat loss that has a noticeable effect on rate of fat loss is the naughty things like ephedrine, clenbuterol etc and even then it's subtle.

There's plenty of evidence for it's performance enhancing effects for things like power output - 4-6mg/kg around 1hr prior to exercise is the typical dose used in most research now, but it's better administered with things like tablets because the dose per gram of coffee can vary considerably. Being a stim and it having a reasonably long half-life has to be taken into account too, as obviously it's not a good idea to use if you train in the evening because it's in your system for hours.
I couldn’t do my workouts without preworkout. The one time I forgot to take it and didn’t realise, I certainly noticed the difference.

I don’t intake caffeine from any other sources in order to maximise its effectiveness during my workout.

On its own for fat loss, doubt it would do anything.
If you mean you drank caffeinated coffee and then sat on the couch, no, I doubt it would do much either. But with exercise, apparently it will help burn more fat than without.

Caffeine will also suppress your appetite to an extent which is useful for controlling calories.
If you mean you drank caffeinated coffee and then sat on the couch, no, I doubt it would do much either. But with exercise, apparently it will help burn more fat than without.

A decent hit - by which I mean more than a single cup of coffee - will increase resting metabolic rate for a short period, which might translate to your body burning maybe 100kcal extra over a couple of hours regardless of what you're doing. As usual it all comes back to what's important; a kg of fat is about 7700 calories so if you were averaging a 550 calorie deficit daily, over a week in an ideal world (which it never is - you don't just lose pure fat, maintenance calories aren't static number and can fluctuate for various reasons e.g. NEAT) that'd be 500g of fat lost without caffeine vs 590g with daily (650kcal daily deficit), so as usual it's one of those little pieces that needs to be stacked on the bigger pieces for it to provide a noticeable benefit.
Yeah, of course. I also didn't realise there was so little caffeine in instant coffee. It looks to be around 60mg. I think I'll go with a large cup to start the day and then a 200mg tablet when training/cycling/running. Any coffee after, I don't know, 4pm and I'll switch to decaf I guess.
Yeah, of course. I also didn't realise there was so little caffeine in instant coffee. It looks to be around 60mg. I think I'll go with a large cup to start the day and then a 200mg tablet when training/cycling/running. Any coffee after, I don't know, 4pm and I'll switch to decaf I guess.

I think what most people are saying here is "don't take caffeine for weight loss because the difference made over a month is the same as a moderate trip to the toilet."

Yes, it makes a difference, but the same way that eating one spoon less of whatever with your breakfast makes a difference: not so you'd notice.

For me, the wired effect of caffeine is more than enough reason to avoid it in significant doses for me if I am not hitting the gym hard, and I haven't done that in years.
I think what most people are saying here is "don't take caffeine for weight loss because the difference made over a month is the same as a moderate trip to the toilet."

I might be getting mixed up using my out here at the moment, but I think most are staying it's good. No? I count 3 people liking caffeine and pre workout.

Even if it's just 100 calories, that's good, given I could walk for 20 minutes to burn that much. I get that from a few coffees before training, surely that's worth doing?
I might be getting mixed up using my out here at the moment, but I think most are staying it's good. No? I count 3 people liking caffeine and pre workout.

Even if it's just 100 calories, that's good, given I could walk for 20 minutes to burn that much. I get that from a few coffees before training, surely that's worth doing?

Not quite: most people are saying it is great before you work out because it stops you fatiguing quite as quickly (or rather, it actually stops you feeling like you're fatiguing) - quite different.

If that is why you are taking it, then I would agree it is a good thing... But not taking it for weightless in and of itself. Unless, however, you are also interested in some mystic unicorn horn dust that will also help you shift weight (from your wallet) that I can send you... ;) :)
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