To reboot or not to reboot, that is the question?

7 May 2004
Naked and afraid
As per the topic title.

One of our engineers has a task to create a reboot schedule for EVERY Windows based server on the domain, of which there are 250+.

My argument is that Exchange and Domain Controllers need not be touched as they either work, or they don't, and in fact that rebooting DC's too often can actually cause more hassle than it's worth because of service restarts etc.

Do you agree with me, or do you think/believe/know that these servers should be regularly rebooted, say once a week?

Thanks in advance.
No scripted reboots required. Who came up with the task in the first place?

I believe the Microsoft Team Leader did...

I can appreciate reboots for 'certain' app servers that require it because of programming inefficiencies but like I said in my original post, and as I've relayed to they guys here, I disagree with DC reboots in particular.
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It doesn't matter what his position is, if he's wrong it won't be done. Simple.

Thanks for the input guys, you've cemented my thoughts and feelings on this - I've had a lot of servers removed from the reboot schedule as a result.
Not submitting a Change Request is a disciplinary offence and quite rightly so!

He's responsible, but not overall and is superseded by several IT Managers above. The current reboot schedule is a WIP and therefore not implemented, but since this thread I've made recommendations (diplomatic way of putting it) to remove the DC's and Exchange from reboots.

My point above was, if someone is wrong, they're wrong and it matters not their title or status they need to swallow the error and get on with things. In my world admitting a mistake and working to correct it is more admirable and commands more respect than battling on regardless through arrogance. :)
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