To those who play football!

21 Feb 2006
What boots do you use/prefer?

Studs or Blades/Moulds?

Staight Laced, Laces to Side or Laces covered?

I'm rather fussy about by boots as I play R Wing/CM. Right now I'm using an old pair of the Blue Nike Total 90 Studded boots but I'm looking for a new decent pair of boots.

Personally I'm looking at the new Nike Mercurial Vapors or the Mercurial Miracle or the new Adidas F50 Tunit. I only like studded boots.

Could anyone reccomend any of the above?

I'm also unsure really the difference of having open laced and covered. Don't like the laces to the side! :(

Just been looking at the adidas adiPURE III XTRX SG. Got a few ideas on what boots I'd like, will have to go shopping tomorrow and try them on.
Anyone know anything about K-Leather?

The AdiPure uppers are K-leathers... Does this mean I should get a half size smaller because the leather will stretch out or stick to my normal size?
Just bought a pair of the new Adidas Adipure III as I fancied a change from my usual Nike Mercurial Vapours. Was quite refreshing to be back in real leather non-plastic boots. Then at the end of the sessionn they'd already started to come away from the sole :mad:

Called subside up where I bought them from and they will refund once they have inspected them.

Not sure what to go for now, I had my eyes on the Nike CTR360 Maestri in black and red but they are just impossible to get hold of in a size 10.

Think Im going to go for a pair of last years Predator powerswerve, really dislike the look of the lastest predator.

I bought the Nike Mercurial Talaria V for £40. Played 2 games in them and they've ripped. God knows how... Returned them and got a refund. Think I'll just stick to my old Nike Total 90's.
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