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To those who said a 980ti wasn't really powerful enough for smooth 4k

16 Feb 2011
I've had mine for a few days and I've yet to find a game that it struggles with. Fallout 4, project cars and the witcher 3 are all handled fine with AA off (I can't even notice any improvement with it on). None of these games have dipped below 30fps at any point... Perfectly playable. Why did some people (not on here) say that it couldn't handle 4k properly... What planet are they on!!
16 Feb 2011
You kind of prove the opposite when you put the bar so low, ie 30 fps.

A lot of people don't consider that playable.
I wouldn't consider paying around a grand for a graphics card and 4k monitor to play titles at 30 fps.
Obviously it's personal preference and I'm glad you are happy with what you got but IMO until next gen's big cards we are not 4k ready.

I was using 30fps as the minimum playable standard just to illustrate the point that no matter what was happening on screen, it hasn't approached that number. I would not be satisfied it it was averaging around that figure. It averages around 50fps or higher, and to be honest I don't even notice the difference when it goes up to 60. So yes, I'm definitely happy with it! If I was playing FPS games for a living I probably wouldn't be, but for games like the witcher 3 etc it feels perfectly smooth. 4k really does look absolutely immense...
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