To what level do local council elections affect national government?

7 Aug 2004
As title, obviously local council elections elect your local counsels etc - however I'm curious as to what level the council has an affect up the chain to government and how would the winning party for the council then have influence on a national level?

I'm aware of local issues, and we are all aware what's going on at a national level - I've little information how these 2 interact with each other in terms of influence, policy change, funding and all important matters,

Any info OCUK ?
This is my understanding and could be completely wrong :)

Each local council MP is effectively a seat in Parliament which gives that member a vote on anything the government proposes. So Tories are in office but I vote Labour for my local MP and he wins his seat. This then gives him a vote on anything in parliament.

Yeah I thought that but I don't see any of my locally elected council members in parliament.

I think what you mention there is the county MP that does that ? - my local council elections are made up of 40-50 counsellors for a specific part of a county (a small section of the town I live in) - in sounding this out I think iv answered my own question !! haha,

I guess - each county is made up of 'x' amount of counsellors who report to the county wide MP ? (In my case Gwynedd) - I live in Bangor, which by the looks of the map has been split up into about 30-40 electable 'communities' ?

And then the one MP of Gwynedd is the guy who sits in parliament ?
Thanks for the info all, it's help build a better picture. Iv got it down to two candidates who are neck and neck imo but I wanted to know how they interact at a national level to help in my decision due to how important the national one is currently and how it will dramatically affect all our lives going forward.
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