To widescreen or not to widescreen?

23 Oct 2005
I really cant decide, need some swaying factors...Currently using a 17" crt...I like the idea of a widescreen...cause well, its widescreen....I also like the idea of getting an all over larger screen, height included!, so im really stuck guys

If I do go widescreen I going the Acer route, if not possibly the samsung route

I just need some deciding factors here before I order up in the morning!

Youll have to forgive me not being the best when it comes to resolution and the such....

So are the pictures for movies, applications coming off as stretched? and with games? I know you can sort games out so as they arent stretched...but what about things like movies that arent made for widescreen use...and desktop wallpaper and the do that all comepare?
Due to budget I hink ill be going for the 19" widescreen Acer then, and then update to a bigger better widescreen at a later date for more improvments

My biggest task was to get rid of the crt
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