Today in Farnborough

18 Apr 2004
Heres my efforts today from farnborough airport.

1. Airbus A340 - In the air

Click to go big!

2. Airbus A380

Click to go big!

3. Airbus A340 - On the Ground

Click to go big!
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Agent_matt said:
Nice. Out of interest, where was the last picture taken from?

Top of the hill at the end of the runway near the fence thats on the floor, and then today, images to come soon... I was with my dad on the hil amoungst the shrubs, also out of interest those pictures submited by Concorde Rules where where u on the hill, where u the guy with the 2 kids?
Concorde Rules said:
LOL I was the two kids :p

Green chairs? D-SLR? Cool box? :p

You must be like 8 then, perhapse your thinking of different ppl, there was a couple of blokes, 2 young kids and an young woman?

Heres some of my photographs...

And heres some of my favorites...

Nah, 16, Bro is 11 Just me, bro and my dad.

Some good shots there

Didn't see ya then :( shame

@ unknown & concorde: was you in the airfield? or outside of it?

I was around this area...


p.s. thx to google for the maping images!
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