Today's Efforts

26 Jun 2004
Hello all.

The weather here was spectacular today so I took a walk down the prom and into town with my canon S2. Here are the best results, C&C as always very welcome.






Thanks for looking.

Brilliant, I love the negative images I think they capture the moment perfectly and are the ideal display for this technique. The third one is a bit dull IMO I think it is a good photo but lacks a focal item. But the rest rock ;)
Really great! 2 & 3 being my favourites.

I think 1 would be much better as a panoramic with more of the coastline in the shot. Is the shot you've posted a crop? It just feels a bit dominated by the sand.

Hope you've don't mind but i've mirrored it just as an experiment really. But obviously the effect would be much better if it was just taken with less zoom.

Hey guys, thanks for the positive comments.

yak.h'cir, the first one isn't a crop no. I didn't think of it at the time but you're right it would be quite good panoramic, the problem is that to the right of that shot was a load of rubbish and the sea wall :(. Will have to find somewhere to re-take a similar shot if the weather is good again. The mirrored image you've done is quite interesting, I could probbaly find a valley in the sand dunes to take something like that in.
Great shots indeed, favourites being 1, 4 & 5. Love 1 especially. That dreamy landscape look is cool :). And 5 is just great compositionally !
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