Today's Jaunt



12 Jan 2005
Went on a little photo jaunt today.





Wow, great photos mate. Love N1.3 7. great angles and colours.
I need to go out with my camera...
I didnt think the alngles were that bad :confused: I thought they added a nice effect to the photographs. The processing on them is spot on they looks superb!
I think the angles took me by surprise! Had a good long look at 1.......... (Very nice) Scrolled to. 2.........had a good look (yeh I like that one too). Scrolled to 3........ Upps - made me dizzy (nearly fell off the bar stool) :)

I like the black and white ones (Angles and All)!
HDR? I agree with the angles, not really sure on them. The sky is a bit blown out on some as I'm sure you're aware. On the whole, excellent stuff.
Yeah, the first 7 are HDR. And yeah i should have kept the sky in check a bit more in 8 and 9.

I might ease up on angles in future, i still like them though :p i might most a couple of a less wonky examples in a minute.
Really love all of those. I think the angles are quite nice.
When you do your HDR do you take 3 images? Or just one, then under/over expose in photoshop and do it that way?

olv said:
shoot in raw, three exposures from one shot in RSE, into photomatix, zing.

Excuse my ignorance, but what is RSE?

Possible to do it in photoshop as I'd like to give it a try :)
A5H said:
Excuse my ignorance, but what is RSE?

Possible to do it in photoshop as I'd like to give it a try :)
Raw Shooter Essentials probably, software for editing RAWs and converting from RAW -> TIFF/JPEG.

Great photos olv, though I agree that the non-tilted versions work best.
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