Today's UK Government Farce - Passports

20 Dec 2004
More Great British incompetence.....

I've got my first trip abroad planned for second week of June.....nearly 3 months I thought, no problem getting mine renewed, after all it only takes a few weeks, tops.

Now looks like I'll be lucky to get it back in time.

Reminder to anyone that needs theirs doing to do it ASAP, and would be good to hear of people getting theirs in less than 10 weeks....
My mum's just recently in the last week or so had her renewal back - that took two weeks.

It's a standard piece from the guardian though. Find a dozen or so people who have encountered issues with the renewal process and make out that the whole passport service has collapsed. I'm sure you'll find just as many people whose passports have turned up in 2-3 weeks as those that haven't.

I hope so, but the passport office advising people to allow 10 weeks isn't filling me with confidence....
Looks like just an excuse to bash this country. And a Guardian link. What else can one expect.

Most people who post a Guardian link or who send you Guardian articles are only doing it to say LOOK I READ THE GUARDIAN, I AM PART OF THE REALISED, AWARE, LEFT-WING INTELLIGENSIA

When in truth, the Guardian is just sensationalist clickbait no better than the Daily Mail.

As most people have said in this thread, new passports take about 2 weeks. My dad reordered his last month and it took 2 weeks as well.

Mine came back in about 3 weeks, but as others on this thread attest, many are not getting theirs back in a timely fashion, so the article is correct.

If you feel the need to attach your identity to a media outlet, you probably need to step away from the keyboard and calm down a bit :rolleyes:
Oh man, you should try dealing with government services in some other countries. Germany stands out as being particularly difficult. Spain too but for different reasons.

The UK has had a digital by default approach since 2010. Doing most things, and getting them renewed is a breeze in comparison.

I used to live in Germany....I kinda got used to dealing with the authorities, it did involve taking a number and waiting a while...but at least you knew if you turned up at the Amt you'd get your issue sorted out that day!
I should add....I've got my new passport back....but no sign of my old one. Fortunately I don't have any visas I need in it....
New passport itself arrived in decent time. Absolutely no idea where my old one is though. Fortunately I don't need any of the visas in it.....
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