Toenail clipper recommendations

Presumably the OP is in jest but, in case it’s not, do fight the desire to ‘research everything’, especially stuff that is inexpensive and/or the aesthetics don’t matter (e.g. it lives in a draw).

5 minute max search time for ‘low significance’ items, IMO. Whatever you get it’ll probably be fine.
It’s not in jest! I usually just go on Amazon and buy whatever for this type of thing but there’s so much Chinese ***** on there these days and I don’t trust the build quality. I don’t want to research as such but if someone here has something that does the job a personal recommendation would really help.
A lot of troll posts here, but here's my 2p:

My problem was the the regular toenail clippers that you find in shops didn't open wide enough. So the pair I ordered from the link above did the trick. It was also tough enough which was the OP's other issue.

P.S. It's a palaver having to log back into Amazon to see my past orders, when it was only 2 days ago when I made my last order. On the same device!
Cheers, they might do the job.
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